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Chasing Clout.

So I guess I should start with the definition of "clout"..

"Clout is being famous and having influence." - Urban Dictionary

Now to the reason the word strikes a nerve. I was on a IG live a couple weeks ago and the conversation about clout came up. The IG live was being hosted by @barbershopconnect (Lee) and Papito Blessed Hands (Ramon).. That will be the last time I reference him has papito because I'm not calling another dude papito. They talked about a segment Ramon is hosting called BarberVerzuz. Which is a battle between two barbers that will broadcast live on IG.. Yes, sounds familiar right? You guessed it, just like the Verzuz created by SwizzBeats. Most of you probably saw Too Short battle E40 a couple weeks ago. I guess the difference is that musicians have a catalog of music that has been created over decades. This shows variety in lyrics and composition, growth, skill, etc to be judged on. A BarberVerzuz participant is judged on only one cut in a timed setting with limited opportunity to explain or show their approach to why they should be on the segment in the first place.

I've seen many barber battles in my day, I've judged a few but didn't understand how I was apointed judge for certain categories. Ex: South Side Fade. I'm from LA and that haircut was not popular in any way shape or form in the shops out here, it wasn't a cut being asked for in the shops, it wasn't a cut being practiced regularly at the schools, nor was it a cut I was doing. But here I was judging that category. Well that's the problem, often times judges have no rhyme or reason judging someones haircut if they have never done that cut before or don't even know how to do it themselves. Those who won got a nice big trophy and an addition to their IG bio #awardwinningbarber ... clout barbers began.

In the 10+ years I've been in this industry, I also experienced being a barber alongside the evolution of social media. I had never heard the word CLOUT used to describe someones skills in relation to status or popularity as much as I have on IG. Now I think some of these barbers are out here with mad followers or clout as some would say but, they do not have clean, consistant technical skills. No foundation. But not gonna hate, whatever puts pennies in your purse. That term had not really been used for a min until that conversation with Lee and Ramon. The discussion was about how Ramon picked the barbers that would be showcased on the VerzuzBarber. Ramon's response was that he wanted barbers with clout. Lee's response was why not select various barbers based on their work, not followers. Barbers that are good at cutting hair so that the viewers can maybe pick up on a technique or see something new - my interpretation, not Lee's direct quote. @Barbershopconnect correct me if I'm wrong. In that moment I was already frustrated and didn't want to see no part of that event. Why? Because clout doesn't mean shit. Clout doesn't pay the bills and earn respect in the craft.

The original Verzuz was created to be supportive yet challenging to inspire.Yet this battle was created to do what for our industry? I guess being an educator, I try to be mindful of the impact I leave on the industry as a whole but I don't think we are doing anything for the industry or each other by identify our skills with followers or popularity or clicks or CLOUT. Personally I would have used this "Battle" as an opportunity to help those that suffered from closures in the pandemic, those with families to support and get business. As a platform to help our industry as whole to survive this pandemic. But its not my show..

Don't get me wrong, some of these barbers showcasing/competing have a catalog of talent in their own respect, but we aren't rappers. Some things just don't translate the same, leave that for Too Short. If you haven't, go catch that @Verzustv, they took it back! And if you have more than a extra minute go check out @barberverzuztv to see what I'm talking about and have an opinion of your own.




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